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14 February 2011
12 February 2011
08 February 2011
The Last Farewell
I transferred my mentor and advisor duties to the Air Force major next to MGen Nooristani. The AF major wanted to talk to BGen Shoutl next to me in the red beret. BGen Shoutl had some interesting stories to tell about her life. She is very courageous to just be in the Afghan National Army as woman are severely discriminated against in this society.
BGen Shoutl & AF Jag
03 February 2011
02 February 2011
Street Girl at the Bazaar
These little girls sell scarves (chador) on the street towards ISAF. My co-worker and an American who has been in country eight years were able to sponsor the the girls for the Women's Bazaar at Camp Eggers. This photo was taken just after the bazaar opened. The girls were charging twice the price what they charge on the street. When I returned at bazaar closing, most of the chador were gone. The girls had fat wallets and huge smiles. The sponsor who has been here eight years told the girls mother they had made enough to get off the street. I haven't seen them the last two weeks. Success!
28 January 2011
Mr. Barker's Gift
21 January 2011
18 January 2011
UN House now Fun House
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15 January 2011
Me in my flightsuit for a mission to KMTC to review the Law School training. M-4 and full battle rattle.
14 January 2011
Afghan Women Vendors
Eggers is sponsoring a women only bazaar in a few weeks. These women came on base to get ID cards. I asked to take a photo and created a hubbub. One women dawned her burqa before she'd let me take the photo. The AF major in the middle is fantastic in her compassion and energy on behalf of these women.
Afghan MoD Farewell
I gave Colonel Popal a certificate of appreciation in hopes of encouraging him to follow through with our objectives after I leave. Col Popal speaks English quite well and has the energy to accomplish things at MoD Legal.
The three musketeers who will be leaving our mentor jobs at MoD Legal over the next 3-4 weeks. MGen Nooristani and BGen Karim gave us traditional Afghan garb for our farewell gifts. This Marine Major and Air Force TSgt have done an outstanding job in helping our Afghan partners with Rule of Law.
This our Office of Staff Judge Advocate leadership with MGen Nooristani, BGen Tafun, Judge Rahim, Col Popal, an AFPAK Hand AF Major, and the three departing ANA Legal Development team.
MGen Nooristani, BGen Karim (TJAG), Judge Rahim with me in "Karzai" coat, pakola, and small.
As my parting gift to MGen Nooristani, I gave him a Dale Gallon print of "The Day is Ours." It is the high-water mark of the Confederacy of Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg on 3 June 1863. MGen Nooristani, though Chief of MoD Legal, was trained as an artilleryman. The print has cannon leveled at the charging infantry and firing canister.